In Memory of





Condolence From: Madeline and Ian Taylor
Condolence: Doug, Garrett and John: Our sincere condolences to you with the sudden loss of Jacqueline. She always met life's challenges head on and managed to keep a sense of humour. Family was paramount to her. We regret we are unable to be at the celebration of Jackie's life as we are still out West. May she rest well. Jackie is forever in our hearts.
Friday September 25, 2015
Condolence From: Candice & Scarlet
Condolence: Jackie will be dearly missed . She brought warmth and laughter to those around her. She brought people together. Scarlet will always miss her GGma and singing on the phone to each other. And I will miss a very kind, generously loving woman who I will always love and look up to. Now your free to sing with the other angels and I know you will keep an eye on your friends and family. Love you GGma
Thursday September 24, 2015
Condolence From: Marlene and Bob Abrey
Condolence: Dear Doug, We were friends with your parents many years ago in Uxbridge. Your MOM brought joy to many people. Our condolences to you and your family. Marlene and Bob Abrey
Thursday September 24, 2015
Condolence From: Tara Trueman
Condolence: Dear Doug and John, I am so sorry to learn of Jackie's passing. I'll carry fond memories of her beautiful laugh. I admire the steadfast friendship that she held with Mom and Dad (Barb and Wayne) and Oma (Ivie). Thinking of you all during this difficult time and wishing you warm memories. Love, Tara
Thursday September 24, 2015
Condolence From: Jan & John Wilson
Condolence: Comforting to know that Jackie is now singing the Hallelujah Chorus with the choir of angels! She'll have them all laughing with her funny stories as she did us. Doug, so sorry we can't be there on Saturday to celebrate your Mom's life but will keep you and Garrett in our prayers.
Tuesday September 22, 2015
Condolence From: Esther Squires
Condolence: I am very sad to hear of the passing of Jackie. The last time I saw my Aunt Jackie was in Newfoundland with Garrett her grandson. We all stayed in Gros Morne in a cabin. It was so lovely to spend time with her as I had not really seen her much since I was a child. She was still as funny as ever, always laughing and full of great stories. My son remembers her as the lady who sent us all the fun things on email. We will miss her. My condolences to Doug and Garrett. I know this is a very difficult time and I send all my love to you both.
Tuesday September 22, 2015
Condolence From: Marie McLaughlin
Condolence: A new star shines bright because a new Angel has arrived in Heaven. Jackie was a truly amazing person who only thought of how she could make life brighter for everyone. She put us all before herself! I am going to miss this lady but she will live in my heart forever. Shine down my friend and light our way.
Tuesday September 22, 2015