In Memory of





Condolence From: Doug Daymond
Condolence: So sorry to hear about the passing of my friend and neighbour Andy. Only knew Andy for the past 3-years but came to realize what an amazing man he was all around. Always smiling regardless of his health issues. He made me laugh every time I saw him and I enjoyed his many stories. I will miss him terribly, not seeing him outside of his apartment and his friendly greetings. RIP my friend, you were / are one of a kind and made this world a better place! I was blessed to have met you. My sincere condolences to Andy's family. With heavy heart... Doug
Monday April 16, 2018
Condolence From: Chris Malz
Condolence: I would like to pass on my condolences to the family of this very caring, great man. His faith and good deeds have been a inspiration to many, he will be missed.
Monday April 16, 2018
Condolence From: sheila gowing
Condolence: Send my condolences in the lost of your loved one. There may be no words to truly express sympathy for your sorrow. I pray that you will take some comfort in the real hope that the Bible gives of being reunited again with your loved one. In the Bible at John 5:28, 29 it reads, "Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out". Yes, the Bible promises that your loved one will come back to life again in the resurrection. (Acts 24:15) According to the Bible, soon death will be no more. (Revelation 21:3, 4) Sincerely Sheila Gowing Logue
Sunday April 15, 2018
Condolence From: Donna and Bill Lang
Condolence: Ann and Mark and family, we are saddened to hear of the passing of your brother Andy. Our deepest sympathy.
Sunday April 15, 2018
Condolence From: Lorraine Cummings
Condolence: Will miss you very much Andrew but know that you are at peace and with God and the angels in heaven.
Saturday April 14, 2018
Condolence From: Dale Bast
Condolence: My deepest condolences to the Cummings Family. Many great memories from over 50 years ago, hanging around with Andy and the boys in the neighbourhood, great ball player, always drove great cars, he respected everyone, only have good memories. Sorry to see him gone before we could share our experiences and reminiscences.
Saturday April 14, 2018
Condolence From: John and Rosie Kellendonk
Condolence: Our prayers and thoughts are with Andy's family and friends at this time. We have many warm memories of his smile & friendliness...he was a man who was always willing to take time to chat, no matter where you saw him. We will certainly miss his presence from our IGC church family. May God bless you with a comfort that only He can give in the difficult days ahead.
Saturday April 14, 2018
Condolence From: Len King
Condolence: Lorraine Real sorry to hear about Andy,He helped a lot of people through the program, more than most people ever knew.
Saturday April 14, 2018
Condolence From: Heather Courtney
Condolence: My deepest sympathy to Lorraine and family on your loss.
Thursday April 12, 2018